
DSPA aerosol fire extinguishing systems for the telecommunication sector.

One of the biggest nightmares for the telecommunication sector is downtime. In this age where everybody depends on their mobile phones, tablets and computers even a short fall out of services is devastating for the company and its customers.

DSPA offers fixed extinguishing systems for applications such as switchgears, server rooms, electrical cabinets and many other objects or rooms that contain critical (production) processes or represent great value for your company.

A DSPA fire extinguishing system typically consists of one or more DSPA aerosol generators and a highly sophisticated fire detection system, assuring the customer to be notified in the early developing phase of the fire, thus giving the customer the chance to prevent many unnecessary damages. If a fire does develop, the DSPA generators will activate and quickly extinguish the fire. DSPA aerosol generators are highly effective, non-pressurized and environmental friendly.

A DSPA extinguishing system is also uniquely safe: It is not pressurized and does not affect oxygen levels. It is officially tested as non-toxic, making a DSPA system perfect for many applications for the telecommunication sector.

Other advantages:

  • Easily adaptable to your existing alarm system
  • Very cost efficient
  • Easy to maintain
  • Requires no expensive pipe work
  • Easy to install